The Propertymark Conduct and Membership Rules can be viewed by clicking on the link below:
ICO registration number Z3594687
Hadden Rankin Property Management Limited (“HRPM”)
Complaints Procedure
HRPM always seeks to conduct business in line with professional standards and adopts best practice procedures. Any form of complaint (including complaints made against third-party contractors) therefore is taken very seriously and seen as an opportunity to achieve positive outcomes wherever possible and improve systems and learning processes. HRPM’s Complaints Procedure is designed to deal with issues vigorously and in a timely fashion.
Level 1
In the first instance all issues should be raised with the responsible member of staff and/or the member of staff to whom the complaint directly relates. HRPM staff members always will acknowledge any complaint within 5 working days and aim to offer a resolution in a professional manner, as quickly as possible.
Level 2
If the complainant remains dissatisfied with the response provided, a formal complaint can be made in writing to the Office Manager, the New Business and Investments Director or either of the Managing Directors of HRPM. The formal complaint should be identified as such and detail the specific nature of the complaint and contain all relevant information. A formal acknowledgement will be issued in writing within 5 working days of receipt of the formal complaint. Under normal circumstances, a formal response will also be issued in writing after a full internal investigation has taken place. This will be issued within 10 working days of receipt of the formal complaint.
Note: for the avoidance of doubt, a written formal complaint, formal acknowledgement and formal response shall be seen to include email communication where any of these terms are used.
There may occasionally be circumstances out with the control of HRPM which prevent HRPM from adhering to this timeframe. These include: -
- when the office is closed for public holidays; • where adverse weather or sickness has led to staff shortages; • where HRPM cannot respond in full without the input of a third party (e.g. contractor, landlord, tenant) who is not available; • where HRPM cannot respond in full without visiting the rental property and the tenant is restricting access; • where HRPM cannot respond in full without the input of a key member of staff who is not available.
HRPM will contact the complainant if HRPM is unable to respond within this timeframe and provide an amended timeframe within which a response will be provided.
Level 3
If the written response from HRPM does not conclude the matter to the satisfaction of the complainant, acting reasonably, the complaint may be raised to Level 3 – External Adjudication. HRPM shall cooperate fully with all formally recognised and professionally conducted External Adjudication processes. HRPM reserves the right to seek external professional assistance and representation where appropriate. The complainant may apply to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing & Property Chamber) if HRPM has breached the Scottish Letting Agent Code of Practice and the complainant remains dissatisfied once the above stages have been exhausted, or if HRPM does not process the complaint within a reasonable timescale.
The Housing & Property Chamber may be contacted at 4th floor, 1 Atlantic Quay, 45 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8JB, Tel - 0141 3025900
HRPM is subject to the Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016, which can be found at: -
In accordance with the code HRPM will retain (in electronic or paper form) all correspondence about a complaint for five years.
Other Complaints Procedures
HRPM are members of and are regulated by the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA Propertymark). Complainants can approach ARLA Propertymark or any other consumer protection body at any time but should comply with HRPM’s internal Complaints Procedure in the first instance.